Gear Vouchers

Is a product you want for Christmas out of stock? KUIU Gear Vouchers are more personal than an e-gift certificate. Order today by emailing or call 855-367-5848.

All I want for Christmas in more inventory!



Filed under Hunting, KUIU Promotion

6 responses to “Gear Vouchers

  1. Jeff M. Valunas

    That is one of the “Classiest” lookin’ things, I have ever seen! Great Idea, and what an honor it would be, to recieve such a gift!
    Well done, as always!
    Happy Holiday’s,

  2. Wes hester

    Another great idea Jason

  3. Jason, do you guys have some plans in the works to ramp up production and catch your inventory up with your demand this year? Or is popular Kuiu gear going to be hard to find for a long time to come?

    • Hi Jason,

      Great question. Yes a lot of plans to ramp up production. The first season in business is a guessing game to how much product you can afford to buy and how much product will be bought. Obviously demand for KUIU far exceeded supply this year and it takes 6 to 9 months from the time we place orders to delivery. Throw in an earthquake in Japan and it is even longer. The next shipments of products will being to arrive this month and in the future KUIU will be much more available. Thank you for your patience.


  4. guy hanson

    Jason are you going to have extreme cold gear.

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